10 Tools for Basic Plumbing Jobs

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The intricacies of advanced plumbing can be a bit difficult, but there will be times that you need or want to get something basic done on your own. You may have an emergency that requires you to tighten a small screw, clear a clog, or clean a drain. There will come a time when you might not have time to reach a professional plumber, and you must take matters into your own hands. No matter the situation you find yourself in, you will want to have a few items on hand to take care of basic plumbing needs.

  1. Flanged Plunger is specifically for a toilet. Its design allows it to form a seal that will separate the drain trap from the bowl. Pushing down will create the seal and pulling up will vacuum the clog out.
  2. Flat-cupped Plunger works in the same manner as the flanged plunger, but its design works better for sink drains.
  3. Drain Filter screens out any solids that are in your sinks or showers, such as food particles or hair. There are separate designs for the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, and shower. It is a basic catchall tool to prevent clogs in your drain lines.
  4. Insulation is a product used for covering pipes to keep them from freezing. Insulation for your water heater helps with your water heater’s recovery time. This helps to save money and energy.
  5. Channel Locks are generally used for turning nuts and bolts, gripping objects, and clamping materials.
  6. A Hand Auger, also known as a plumber’s snake, is for clearing clogs from your drain lines.
  7. A Basin Wrench is a tool that you use to loosen and tighten the nuts that hold a sink faucet in place.
  8. Hacksaw cuts all types of material and is ideal for cutting pipe if used properly.
  9. Screw Drivers have uses in plumbing. Though not always visible, there are different types of screws used in plumbing.
  10. Rags are a very valuable tool in the plumbing trade. Always have rags available when beginning a plumbing project.

Always have a basic set of tools available to tackle easy plumbing jobs. These tools do not replace the experience and training of a professional plumber, but it is good to prepare for those emergencies. You may likely have projects that are overwhelming or need a professional touch. In those cases, contact us for more information on how we can help with your plumbing needs.

Contact Brian Wear Plumbing Today

Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment with a plumber in Columbia, MO, and the surrounding areas. Whether it’s doing drain line maintenance or preparing to replace sewer lines, you are going to be satisfied with our work.

If you are in Columbia, MO or the mid-Missouri area and believe you have a plumbing problem, contact us.