How MO’s Water Supply Can Affect Your Plumbing

Home » How MO’s Water Supply Can Affect Your Plumbing

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Living in Missouri comes with its own set of challenges, including factors that can affect your plumbing system. One crucial aspect to consider is the quality and characteristics of the water supply. As your trusted plumber in Columbia, MO, we at Brian Wear Plumbing make it a point to give you the services you need to keep your plumbing in tip-top shape.

In this blog, we’ll explore how MO’s water supply can impact your plumbing and what you can do to mitigate any potential issues.

Hard Water and Its Effects

MO is known for having hard water, which contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium. While not harmful to health, hard water can wreak havoc on your plumbing system over time–often requiring plumbing repairs as a result. It can lead to limescale buildup in pipes, faucets, and appliances, reducing water flow and efficiency. Additionally, hard water can cause issues with soap lathering and leave behind unsightly stains on fixtures and surfaces.

Corrosive Water and Pipe Damage

In some areas of MO, corrosive water may be a concern due to high acidity or other factors. Corrosive water can gradually eat away at metal pipes, leading to leaks, pinhole damage, and premature pipe failure. If left unchecked, corrosive water can cause extensive damage to your plumbing system and result in costly repairs or replacements. For these, you can count on the Brian Wear Plumbing team for timely plumbing services.

Sediment and Clogging Issues

MO’s water supply may also contain sediment and debris, especially in areas with older infrastructure or well water systems. Sediment buildup in pipes can restrict water flow, increase pressure on plumbing fixtures, and contribute to clogs and other such emergency plumbing scenarios. Additionally, sediment can accumulate in water heaters, reducing efficiency and shortening their lifespan.

Protecting Your Plumbing

To mitigate the effects of MO’s water supply on your plumbing, consider having your trusted plumbing company install a water softener or filtration system. These devices can help remove minerals, sediment, and impurities from your water, improving its quality and reducing the strain on your plumbing system. Regular maintenance, such as flushing your water heater and inspecting pipes for signs of corrosion, can also help prevent issues before they escalate.

If you’re experiencing plumbing problems related to MO’s water supply, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at Brian Wear Plumbing for professional assistance. We’ll help assess your plumbing system, identify any issues, and recommend effective solutions to keep your plumbing running smoothly. Schedule an appointment and experience reliable plumbing services in Missouri!

Contact Brian Wear Plumbing Today

Feel free to give us a call today to schedule an appointment with a plumber in Columbia, MO, and the surrounding areas. Whether it’s doing drain line maintenance or preparing to replace sewer lines, you are going to be satisfied with our work.

If you are in Columbia, MO or the mid-Missouri area and believe you have a plumbing problem, contact us.